Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

What Not to Say to a Pregnant Woman (Week 17)

As a husband you always try to be careful what you say to your wife.  There are several questions that can get you in trouble or trap you (and which I believe is some sort of wife conspiracy to destroy us).  For example:
"Honey do I look fat in this?"
"Do you still think I'm pretty?"
"Do you like this outfit on me?"

Anyway, if you have been trained well by your wife these questions aren't a problem., but pregnancy does present some drastic changes.  Your wife will need an elastic band for her pants.  As exciting as this sounds (I love me some jogging pants) this isn't because Thanksgiving was a blast, but because she is carrying a living person in her!  As she goes through changes she needs affirmation and encouragement throughout to remind that she really is pretty and beautiful.

Which leads me to the title.  People just be normal when talking to pregnant ladies.  Don't be weird.  Just say congrats, maybe a little bit of wisdom and go home.  Unfortunately people seem to not understand that there are certain things you should never say to a pregnant woman.  These statements were actually made to my wife:

"I saw you from behind, and knew you were pregnant."
"You're only four months, you're HUGE!"
"Why are you touching your stomach, we already know it's there."
"I had the perfect pregnancy." (esp. while you're in pain)
"Were you planning this?"
"You look puffy and tired."

Maybe you have a strange comment you would want to share.  Just put it in the comments section.  Trust me, my wife and I will get a kick out of it, especially if it's stranger than these gems.

The End~

1 comment:

  1. If only I had a dollar for every time I was asked, "how many are in there?"

    And when discussing my abnormally large bump my doctor commented, "if the circus comes to town you should let people kiss your stomach for a dollar."

