Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Friday, August 17, 2012

Fruit of Good Discipleship

Like I have mentioned several times in my blog I tend to have long spaces between entries.  This is due to my ADD, but mostly my busy schedule.  Many transitions have taken place in my life, all of which have been an immense blessing to me and my wife.   I recently moved from my last pastoral position to another.  Changing ministry jobs is never easy.  I am a relational type of guy and grew very close to many people at my last church, especially the teens that I primarily worked with.  Most churches struggle with what to do with a youth group once the youth pastor leaves.  Some just hope volunteers will take the torch up or they hire someone to fill the void.  

But I am not here to talk about how to hire a youth pastor, rather I am here to brag a little bit about a youth group.  Most youth pastors and pastors have read several books on discipleship.  Many tell us what are good marks of discipleship or how you can tell there is discipleship taking place. I recommend reading some of them.

The issue that has been around for years is that there still many youth groups that are focused on entertaining teens rather than being a place where they grow deeper in Jesus Christ. This doesn't give teens what they really need and it doesn't prepare them for the things they will endure in life.  

Now don't want to have a top 5 list for "real"discipleship, but there is one important quality worth mentioning.

One mark of real mark of discipleship is developing your teens (particularly senior high) to function without you.  I know this sounds a bit strange at first, but think for a second.  Jesus gave his disciples everything they needed for discipleship: the Holy Spirit (Acts 2) , investment of His time and life (the Gospels) and finally left a perfect example for them to follow.  

Since leaving my last position I have been proud to see that several of the teenagers have taken up the mantle of running the youth ministry. Not only running, but preparing lesson and worship slides.  Now don't get me wrong there are volunteers in place to guide and help them, but for the most part while not having a youth pastor, they have continued to promote, invite and encourage attending youth group and continuing major events.  

It almost feels like when a dad sees their child riding the bike without training wheels. They have prepped them to a point that they now can move on to the next stage of life.

This can also occur within a youth ministry that has developed good volunteers to both help and lead the youth. This leaves a lasting impression on teens as they grow and learn to live out there faith without you over there shoulder. One of the most rewarding things I have ever seen is a teen living loudly or worshiping or serving The Lord on their own.

So like Jesus, we teach, we equip and we pray all to allow those we teach, equip and pray for to do so for others.

Be Blessed