Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Friday, November 22, 2013

And on Your Left We Have Babies....(week 21)

So you know how I've discussed that I do not have that much baby knowledge.  Well future fathers never fear because that is what classes are for.  So I learned from my wife that the hospital offers classes on things like how to not kill your child, how to put a car seat in a car and my favorite Diapers 101.

No, really this is a great thing for people like me as again I know nothing about babies.  These classes are to help aid new parents and make sure that they do not go into the wrong places while they are freaking out about the inbound child.

So to ease our way into it we thought that taking a tour of the baby side of the hospital would be good.  So we arrive and have about nine other couples with us.  We find out where to park, for how long and where to take our loved ones.  There even is a stroller parking lot (no kidding) for those parents who wanted extra humans in their home.

So let me just give you the highlights:

1.  I've learned that there are always some people (esp. with pregnancy) who have alternative forms of doing things.  We had a lady go crazy over one of the practices the hospital uses.  It was fun to watch and scary.

2.  The baby side of the hospital rocks.  This place is better than about 85% of the hotels I've stayed in. Fancy lighting, didn't smell like bed pans or sterile latex gloves and the big shocker: people were actually very kind.  It was really weird.

3.  Whenever the tour guide would give us baby questions to answer I got 96% wrong.  I wonder if that should give my future baby hope.  Like she asked "when a baby has bubbles forming on the side of it's mouth what do you do?"   My answer: laugh or blow on them to see if they float.  Yup this parenting thing is going to be a loooong road.

4.  Seeing the little babies, in the room that reminds me of people looking at animals at the zoo, was really cool.  That part made the whole thing real.  A little person is coming and we gotta pray and prepare.

Well there you have it.  Baby tour down and how to care for your infant next (which apparently is 8 hours!!??)  If your a first time dad and/or you could care less about your pride then take a class.  It's worth it.

The End~

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