Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

To mosque or not to mosque: that is the question

Okay so this has been in the news for quite a while and in no way am I interested in a political debate about this subject. Rather I want to look at it from the perspective that was written in a Relevant article. I understand that some people are emotional about this issue, but I am taking the question that Relevant asked in relation to how Christians should handle the placing of this mosque and its effects. The question was asked what should we do as Christians?

As Christians there is no debate, instead we should focus on serving and expanding the kingdom, focus on glorifying Christ in our daily activities. We should be more concerned that the divorce rate is no different than those who DON'T know Christ. Or that atheist and agnostics stick with their husband and their wives better than conservative Christians. (Read through Barna research group on this) Or that our churches are slowly on the decline, or that the gospel continues to be watered-down in many pulpits and churches. Let's help the needy, and the widows, homeless, supporting justice, love and mercy, (Ex. 23:6; Matt. 19:21; 1 Tim. 5:3; James 1:27) etc... Unfortunately this doesn't make the news because it's not controversial enough. We need to get our priorities straight, don't let the media get you all hyped for political news when we need to take that energy for all this and direct it toward telling people about God's wonderful gift of salvation and His kingdom.

Matthew 6:33:
"But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness and all these things (clothing, food, not worrying but trusting God) will be given to you."

Contextually Jesus told his disciples not to worry about the troubles in life because there was point to worry about things of this world. Jesus also spoke specifically about food, and clothing but did not limit it to only those two things. Jesus instead tells his disciples not to worry but to put their energies into focusing on the things above or of the kingdom. (which is repeated by Paul)
I like the New Living Translation:
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, l and he will give you everything you need."

Colossians 3:2:
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Paul reiterates the notion of keeping our focus on the things above not the earthly things. In the context of Colossians 3 he speaks specifically about the regulations that more Judiazer's were trying to put on the Colossian people. He says because they are in Christ, raised with Him they should be keeping their focus on the things above (where Christ resides) and not below. The concept is the same keep your focus on the things above/on the kingdom, don't get caught up in the earthly things!

Be Blessed

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