Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Christians and Government part 3

Due to illness I have been very behind in getting to this so apologize. I have been writing a series on the role of believers and their government. In mind I have the United States (as this is where I live) but this applies to all governments and all people around the world. Our third passage for today is 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

1 Tim. 2:1-2:
"I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."

ul contextually has just instructed Timothy (a leader in the Ephesian church) to keep leading keep holding to sound doctrine while there are some who have fallen away: Alexander and Hymenaues.
He shifts his thoughts to focus on a topic all too familiar:
I urge"
.........To urge means to push, or drive; press or insist. Paul here is setting what his mood is toward the subject...He insists on what he is about to ask of Timothy and the congregation and us.
What does Paul insist or push?
"that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone... [specifically] for kings, and those in authority..."

requests-The requests are interesting as Paul indicates linguistically and contextually that requests, prayers and intercession is made with thanksgiving. We don't make requests to God to destroy this administration or government. We do these 4 things out of a thanksgiving for Christ for what HE has established.

-We are called to pray. Prayer was important aspect to Paul. Constantly he prayed and gave thanks for the Thessalonians (1 Thess. 1:3:10;2:13-17), the Colossians (1:3-12) and Philppians (1:3-12). And the list goes on. We know that prayer is effective, we know that it is necessary so then why do we spend more energy complaining than praying?

intercession-we intercede (meaning we do something on behalf of someone) here Paul could be referring back to prayer---we pray on behalf of those in authority

thanksgiving-not be cynical, not grumbling and complaining, not wishing that Bush was back in office, not saying that Obama is Hitler, or hating the police in your county, or the judge that gave you probabtion for YOUR 3rd speeding ticket. Rather being thankful, that should be your attitude, action and mindset toward the governing authority. No if, and or but.

Paul stipulates that this is for everyone ( or all kinds of people--including all kinds of civil authority)

Paul illustrates that we are required to do these things for the "king, and those in authority..." He may be referring with king to the highest possessor of power, whomever that may be. But makes clear "those (any of those) who are in authority". This falls back on what Paul and Peter said about created order (divinely instituted)...which bears itself from a God who enjoys created order not blind chaos.

*George Knight (in his excellent exegetical Greek commentary) says that "the authorities are singled out because of Paul's concern for God' ordained order in society." (He cites Romans 13:1-7).

How then should we live under the governing authority?
"that WE may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior..."

We must live lives: peacefully and quietly. This doesn't mean a sheltered---Paul didnt live a sheltered life but respected all civil authority. What Paul is saying (Knight introduces beautifully) is our ultimate goal is to live lives of godliness (reverence/respect) and holiness (to live set apart). That our lives would reflect Christ, so that maybe even the civil authorities would take notice. To pray with thanksgiving for those in authority, while our role is to live live for Christ and respect their authority and submit to it, that is our ultimate goal.

This is NOT the mindset that the news media portrays. This is not what "Christian" senators, governors, and those you elected because they are more Christian than someone else are doing. Its fight, pressure, take down, eliminate, slander, this the message that we want to send to the world as believers?

We will continue with another passage in Part 4 of this series...
Be Blessed

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