Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Kingdom of God

Ever been in a situation where someone uses a phrase or a word that you dont understand yet pretend to understand for the sake of the conversation or let it gloss over without thinking? Its usually due to the fact that we dont want to seem uneducated or like we dont understand. Lets face it most of the time its a pride thing. I have done it before, mainly with my girlfriend :-) Either way we have done it at some point or another. We hear alot of phrases in church and among believers yet never really stop to think of what that phrase or word really means. There are so many common words or phrases in Christianity that we just kinda seem to nod our heads and say sure, or yes. We dont take the time to extract its meaning and what it means to us as individuals. Let me give some examples:

1. The Trinity--with this we like to merely use the water analogy or sing the 3 in 1, 1 in 3 song from Pilgrims Progress.

2. The big 3: Justification, Sanctification, Glorification--yes we can define these in simplest forms but think about your everday Christian can barely and accurately define these words. (Unless your friends with John Kandra--who is probably still reading the Book of Job).

3. The Kingdom of God--to me this is a biggie, most people have 1000 different concepts of what this is. This is the very thing we are trying to bring people into. Jesus said the "Kingdom of God is at hand" (Mark 1:14) so then exactly what was he saying????

So I post this to say to you world wide web and those who stumble across this blog:

What is the Kingdom of God? Is it manifested now? If so how? What is the kingdom? Physical, spiritual? Dont let this term just fly by as it is something that we are trying to bring people into. How can you do that if you dont really know what it is?

I will respond in a week...
Be blessed!

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