Ever since I could vote and became a Christian, politics and how I vote has been such a hot topic. Growing up I did not live in a political household. The extent of politics was my dad (an Army sargent at the time) was to nuke anyone that really bothered us or that he hated all the red tape surrounding missions he would go on. Other than that my parents never told me who to vote for, nor said I must be a republican or democrat. My first "real" exposure was when in 8th greade our school had a mock school election for the president (then Clinton, Bush, Perot). I seemed to have been attached to Perot maybe cause he was funny, slightly crazy but very intriguing. So I went to the headquarters and got a t-shirt (which I still have) saying Perot for President '94. Other than that it all the hype left and it never returned until I became a Christian and people then began asking me who I was voting for.
This tension rose with my first election voting (Bush V. Gore) with the demand as Christians to vote for Bush. Okay I understood their positions and such but there was always alot of tension and even argument. THis tension only increased with the election of Barak Obama. There was so much tension within the Christian community that there was debate, argument, slander, gossip and even a question of people salvation being thrown around BY CHRISTIANS! It saddend me greatly. Even my salvation was questioned (rather it was said that I wasnt really a believer) because I dared to say that there were more issues in this election than just abortion and homosexuality. Even as Obama has been in office, the majority of conversations and discussions with Christians has been hateful, that Obama is destroying this country, he is destroying the moral fabric of this nation, he had been called a socialist, a communist, Hitler, and people wish that Bush was back in office. Al this was disappointing to me. What really fires me up is when people try to use the Bible to advocate saying these kinds of things. Its sad.
***So I decided instead of making up my own theology, I wanted to see what SCRIPTURE says in regards how we as believers and the government interact. I will cover as many passages as possible dealing with this very issue:
1. Romans 13:1-7:
"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
Paul from the very beginning makes clear that everyone, not some people, not some believers, but everyone must what....submit. The Greek word for this is hupotasso, which meant to put under subjection or arrange under. It was a military term for being obedient to those in authority. So who is in authority? Scripture says that everyone is to be subjects of the governing authorities.(or civil authorities). Now why would Paul say that we should be subjects of the government----check out verse 2---because God is sovereign over every government established and infact He is the one who established it. Did you read that?? No matter WHO is in office, God has put them there. Lets keep reading:
"Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what GOd has instituted, and those who who do so will bring judgment upon themselves"
If God has established something, and we rebel against it, we are rebelling against God not man. (refer to 1 Thess. 4:7-8) The government comes frpom GOd, He instituted it, He established it---to reject it is to reject His sovereignty and His established government. Keep that in mind. The judgment that is spoken here is not end times judgment but rather judgment from the civil authorities. Rebellion will have consequences therefore the authority will keep you in line.
Look at verse 4-6:
"For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid for he does not hear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Therefore it is necessary (some translations say what Paul said earlier you must submit) to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible judgment but to keep a clear conscience."
Notice what the authorities are: God's servant. It didnt say they had to be republican or democrat--note: these verses also apply to all civil authorities (police, court law, traffic laws etc). Since they are God's servants if you break their laws you will be punished by them. Paul says this is good for you! It creates order, not chaos (as God is order and not chaos--refer to 1 Corinthians 14:33-context is disorganization of speaking in tongues-the use is to illustrate the fact that God is a God of order not chaos).
Therfore it is a must or necessary to be subjects under this authority, not just because you will be punished but also to have a clean heart.
Final part: (vs. 6-7)
"This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are GOd's servants, who give their full time to governing. Give everyone what you owe him: if you owe taxes, pay taxes: if revenue, pay revenue; if respect then pay respect..."
Paul is now saying that since we are submitting to these authorities established by God, that they serve as God's servants, and that we should obey the law---this why we also pay taxes. So what does he say? If you owe taxes PAY THEM! He didnt complain about how high they were, or the fact that he had to pay them, but said PAY THEM. Jesus says the exact same thing in Matthjew 22:21-"Render to Cesar what is Cesar's and give to GOd what is God's" Now understanding the context here Jesus asked who image was on it? Therefore give to whomever's image is on there....but give me you who are the image of God! Jesus states give your money to the state but GOd wants His image (you) to give all of yourself to Him. There is a clear delination between giving God His due and giving to the secular or civil authority.
Some try to distort the context of this passage by saying
"we believe...Paul is speaking of the spiritual leaders of the Body of Christ, not the civil authorities of this world. (embassyofheaven.com)
Based on what evidence? If Paul was writing to spiritual leaders, he would have indicated so. Anyone who has read a Pauline letter would know this. Paul when speaking to leaders makes it specific: (example 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Romans 16,) He tends to use the word, elders, deacons and does nothing of the sort here. Second it then would conflict with several other passages that clearly state submitting to a civil authority (we will do these passages later). This cannot be the proper interpretation of this passage.
Are there exceptions?
Absolutely! I agree with John Macarthur when he says there are 2 exceptions to obeying the authorities:
1. When the government commands (forces or imposes) something that God forbids.
For Example: When the governemnt commanded Peter NOT to preach the gospel. (Acts 4:17-19)
So as believers we must recognize that the secular government is:
1. a divinly instituted (vs. 2, 4-5)-They are God's servants
2. Must be submitted to (vs. 1,5)
3. Pay your obligations (vs. 6-7)
Do not:
1. rebel--beause God placed them there and you will be punished for (rebelling) and breaking the laws set by them.
In the end who you are voting for is a personal freedom, something we often take for granted. We should never seperate ourselves from who God has made us, what His word says when we do vote. But no where in this passage does it support a slandering, or hatefulness of the government, those elected in it and appointed to it. You may have a personal opinion, but that opinion must be rooted in Scripture------so whether it is Obama, Bush, or a pile of dirt, GOd has instituted it to govern over us.
**I will continue with an exegesis of the next passage: 1 Peter 2:13-17 tomorrow**
Be Blessed
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