The other day I was watching a movie. It had a commercial for a dvd that chronicled the history of DC Comics and how superheroes were developed, and the ideas behind them. That spurred my heart to some times I can remember clearly as a child. As most young boys I loved living in a fantasy world. This was propelled of course by the numerous Saturday morning shows like the original animated Transformers, GI-Joe, He-man, Batman, Superman (Chris Reeve version), the Hulk (TV version), and Thundercats and movies like Star Wars or Indiana Jones. I remember running around the house pretending I could fly with a towel tucked into my shirt for a cape. I specifically remember jumping off a couch trying to fly and at one time contemplating the whole: if I use a blanket like a parachute could I jump off the roof? Being like these characters or transporting myself to another world felt safe, secure and I was always there to save someone or something if it went wrong.
Just think about what Suprheroes do: They can fly, jump high, have super-human strength, run super fast, and in the end they are dramatically different than everyone else. I think people love them because they administer justice, keep order, punish the "bad" guys and care for the good guys. They protect you, teach you, and look way better than we do in spandex.
But as I got older, my fantasy world got smaller. My love for fantasy was muddled and crowded with growing up, getting a job, paying bills, going to school. But my NEED for someone stronger, someone bigger, someone louder, someone who cares for me, someone who protects me, love mes only got BIGGER.
In now way am I trying to relate Jesus' to a superhero, He's better. And I don't have to go in depth for this: He has no flaws! Did you read that: no krytonite, no damsels in distress, no weaknesses, He is all powerful (Luke 1:27), all knowing (Psalm 44:1), and all sufficient (2 Cor. 12:7) for everything we need. I think the kid still in me takes a lot of comfort in that. He is my Father, who loves and protects me, He guides me, He shows me where I need to be and what I should stay away from. He doesn't need a cape, He doesn't need super fast speed, or super strength because He is the author of speed, and strength: He is my superhero.
Flat out He is my God, my King. His Lordship and grace are completely sufficient enough for me and for you. Remember that. And about fantasy worlds: I sometimes still find myself drifting off into a land of fantasy but rather I think it is a longing for heaven (as C.S. Lewis once commented on our longing for fantasy worlds).
Be Blessed.
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