So my journey begins when my wife tells me that she has been late. Late? What do you mean? She hasn't had her period.
Ooook. We both knew that we were trying to have a kid, but with that mention of a late period, it just got real!
So I do my amazon prime purchase and two days later she takes the test.
First I read the directions on the box. Mistake. I so laughed because peeing on a stick or in a cup then putting the stick in, sounds like the behavior of 12 year old boy or drunk people.
So the result: positive.
Now you would think that at this point, because I love my wife I would jump up and down in hysteria or be depressed (depends what movie you watch). Wrong!
The need for assurance came out: "maybe you should take another one for good measure?"
Second one: positive
My wisdom: "Okay so we have one more in the box, let's try that one too!"
Third one: positive
Okay I can't fight this. I just really want to be sure. Cause when you find out your wife is pregnant you are truly excited (as I was), but then you also start to think (not necessarily right away) of terrible things: diseases, miscarriages, no money and no sleep.
I relented to a degree. She told me we would need to take a blood test to confirm, but for the most part three tests don't lie. Boom you are going to be a dad!
My kid would be proud of my confidence in the First Response pregnancy test! (note the sarcasm)
The End~
The End~
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