Not only do they have the disease TV, but only baby books and magazines telling you what your baby should eat, how they should sleep, and what you should name them.
So we sit in the waiting room with about 15 other women and I am one out of two guys in the room. Not awkward at all.
As a guy I have never felt comfortable being in "lady situations." I grew up around women and it was always uncomfortable. So we head to the examination room to meet the OBGYN.
As you can see the room is filled with female lady parts. Not quite the thing I look forward to. The doctor is nice and very straight forward. She decides that she would like to do a few "female" examinations." That was my first warning of "Oh gosh I should get out of here." With swiftness she proceeds to do her thing. My poor wife was being poked and prodded (literally) and guess who had a front row seat (approx. 2 ft away) from this wonderful action and tried to look around the room at something.
There wasn't a single thing that I could look at that didn't make me feel like I was a weirdo or really uncomfortable (remember female lady parts everywhere).
Fellas, just prepare yourselves if you decided to go with your wife to her appointments (and you should!). Bring a book, an Ipad, or anything for you to look at.
Afterwards I took my wife out for a nice lunch, because I felt like she deserved it after all her trauma and mine.
The End~
My husband went with me to a lady doc appt once. I needed some hand holding for a procedure. While I was across the hall from the exam room getting my vitals taken I hear a surprised nurse say, "EXCUSE me!" then I hear my husband say "I'm ready for my exam!". He'd hopped up on the exam table to see what all the fuss was about. And asked the nurse what the tire jack was for. Never a dull moment. Don't ever be skurred at those lady doctor offices - just act like you know what's up!