Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

So I'm Having a Girl (Part 2)

So the last time we met my friends was our awkward encounter with a doctor who had to "prove" themself and their skill.  Well as my wonderful wife put out, I never said how I felt about having a girl or any of my first reactions to knowing that we were having a girl.  So here we go:

Let me give you some background.  So for the longer part of this pregnancy my wife has been hyping up that we would have a boy.  Bugging me for boys names (me promising to give her boys names I liked), wishing that she had a little me, dreaming of a little mo-hawk (what I used to have), etc.  She told me she did that because she really wanted a girl but didn't want to be let down (not that she wouldn't have loved our boy).  Anyway I say all that as my brain seemed to be programmed to a boy. So when I heard it was a girl it kinda hit me pretty hard.
So here are the reactions we discussed the day we found out from "Sir TMI" that we were having a girl:

Katie's reaction to a girl:
Fro Pigtails
Cute outfits
Looking forward to finding cute things on Pinterest

My reaction:
I need to buy a gun
Is it still legal to torture boyfriends?
If she has Katie's smile and eyes then pretty much I'm useless discipline wise.
Since she's a girl, and most girls I've met never claim to fart, then maybe diaper changes won't be so bad (one can dream right?)
I'm totally outnumbered.

Do all guys get this innate reaction when having a girl?  Does every boy suddenly become enemy #1 and you will judo chop any boy in the neck that comes sniffing around?  I know I did. 

Either way I very excited to be having a girl.  I can't wait to hear her laugh, make faces at her, and just enjoy the life that God gives me to be with her.  One thing is for sure, she will be a Manchester United fan.  Oh yes, she will!

The End~

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