Instead of focusing on your outside I hope and pray that you take a hard look at the inside: the condition and state of your heart. This can be done through evaluation of one's relationship with Christ through prayer and Scripture. (FYI this is not a works righteousness litmus test---your ability to want to be closer, and pursue avenues that will bring you closer is simply enabled by God's work and grace. See Philippians 2:12-13). Here is one that I pray for daily and not because it is the New Year.
1. I want to be more consistent in my time in the Word, and in prayer.
Psalm 119:10-11: "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.
I seek you with all my heart.....do not let me stray from your commands.
I have hidden your word in my heart so that I may not sin against you.
Psalm 119:14: I rejoice in following your statutes...
Here in one of the greatest Psalms we see a joy, a seeking, and longing for God's Word, decree, law, or statutes. It has been said by John Piper that, "God's Word most clearly reveals WHO God is." God displays his power and glory through nature (Psalm 19:1-5, Romans 1:19-20--i.e. General Revelation), but He is most clearly revealed in the Person and Work of Jesus Christ in which is revealed in Scripture (i.e. Special Revelation). Who says you can't learn a little theology?
The problem is we know (esp. as believers) who Jesus is, we have heard all the stories, the problem is we aren't consistent in areas such as worship, prayer, and word time. We tend to get too busy to fit in a time where we are not distracted by cell phones, TV, football, friends, family, that we tend to do the same with God (I will fit Him into to my schedule). If you ever read your Bible, you realize God doesn't just fit in to Your little schedule book??!!!
Yes you should have a time with God, but that requires 3 things:
1. Sacrifice: of your time-(getting up early, staying up late, changing your day around to do this) , of your energy (prayer, and pursuit of consistency requires an active mind, heart) , and of
2. Be organized: Meaning when you do spend time go in with a plan: what time, what place, what method (meaning memorizing Scripture, reading a particular book, etc... (John Pipers When I Don't Desire God book goes into great detail)
3. Shut up and Listen: We are always constantly trying to talk at God. It makes sense, we do with everyone else in our lives. We are talking about our jobs, our relationships, how hard life is, mix it with some complaining about how tired we are and our prayers and word time become complaint sessions. Now biblically, Jeremiah was a major whiner and complained several times, (hence he is called the Lament Prophet--basically a whiny baby), David also whines a lot in the Psalms, but these complaints were of a righteous nature. They cried out to God about the injustice and when He would kick everyone's butt, or take care of a situation. We don't get a well I work a lot God, and my schedule is booked, or I hate my job, or I wish I had more friends.
Instead, stop for just a second. In our busy world to be still is almost a miracle. We are in fast paced world, and being still is becoming extinct. You can give God your requests but stop talking at him, talk to Him. Tell Him what is on your heart. Being still can reveal quite a bit of what is going on in our lives, including the course we are currently on.
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still and know that I am God."
John Piper, reflecting on the importance of being still and in relation to his life, describes what the stillness before God while on a flight to Massachusetts did:
"What came clear in the stillness was at least this much: I want to leave behind four God-centered sons; I want to leave behind a loved and honored and cherished wife; I want to leave behind a strong, biblically grounded, Christ-exalting, radically obedient, God-enjoying church; and I want to leave behind a written testimony to the truth of God, and the supremacy of God, and the beauty of God, and the worth of God in all of life. And to that end I want to keep my life free from the love of money, and the praise of men, and the power of position, and any impurity that would dull my delight in God.
If you let yourself be still this morning and know that God is God, that he will be exalted among the nations, that his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, that your life here is very short, then you will see what your life is supposed to be. God will make your unique significance plain.
Be Blessed
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