I recently finished a book by N.T. Wright called "Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church." N.T. Wright is one of the foremost biblical scholars and a prolific author. This book provides a wealth of knowledge and true biblical understanding of what heaven is, how vital and important the resurrection is within biblical theology as well as the Kingdom of God. Wright forces us to ask the question: what happens when we die? Most give the natural assumption, I will die and go to heaven. But where are the biblical passages to support this? How can one reside in heaven if the full plan of redemption hasn't taken place: meaning the Second coming? He breaks the book down into 3 parts: Setting the Scene, God's Future Plan, and Hope in Practice. Wright investigates in Part I, resurrection, heaven, and misconceptions with biblical exegesis and care to context of key passages. He emphasizes the restoration of all things, NOT the replacement. Especially in regards to the body (as some have simply said they can't wait to leave this body and get into their spirit body). He focuses on a restoration of the believers body (Phil. 3:20-21; 1 Cor. 15:52) and the earth (Rom. 8:22; Acts 3:21). He roots this within the Jewish OT, and how they perceived resurrection, and eschatology, then framing it within the NT narrative. As far as when this will happen Wright says,
"Some have supposed that we go immediately upon death into the resurrection state. I find that difficult, Paul says that if Christ is the first fruits, those who belong to him will be raised "at his coming: which clearly hasn't happened yet."
After he explains the resurrection, and some misunderstood passages he proceeds in Part 3 of the book into what the application of the resurrection is to the mission of the church. Explaining and discussing the meaning of salvation, how it fits, and the kingdom of God. Making a strong point that "the resurrection...is that the present bodily life is NOT valueless just because it will die." (pg 193) He makes it his duty to make sure believers dont just check out of this life because they simply want the next one! I heartily agree with Wright and found it absolutely refreshing to hear. This in part fits perfectly with the expansion of God's kingdom. Here's a perfect quote:
"He..[God] did not want to rescue humans from creation any more than he wanted to rescue Israel from the Gentiles. He wanted to rescue Israel in order that Israel might be a light to the Gentiles. and he wanted thereby to rescue humans in order that humans might be his rescuing stewards over creation." (pg. 202)
Finally Wright gives specifics for building for the kingdom focusing on justice, beauty, evangelism. Using specfics He closes the book with what the mind and mission of the church should be in regards to all that he has said throughout the book.
It is an excellent book, well written, has a bit of theology but application immediately with it and in no way is it heavy. If you want to know a biblical and proper response to the question of "where do I go when I die" and how the resurrection is important for the kingdom, and for the mission of the church read this book.
Be Blessed.
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