My first thought went to when I got my first office. When I came to FBC in 2008 I was just a summer intern. From there I was given the position of youth pastor which eventually led to being an Associate/Youth Pastor. I was so excited just to have an office. Now my office was originally a stockroom filled to the brim of old junk and papers that I could barely get in there. Lucky for me there was a desk under all the debris and I eventually cleaned it out and overtime my wife and I painted the walls. I decorated it with movie posters, bday/Xmas cards given to me, and my college diploma and ordination certificate. It made me smile because I guess I felt like a big boy, but that office has meant a lot to me. I have had some serious conversations, made some hard decisions, written 17-20 sermons, had disagreements and had a youth come to Christ in that office.
Another small joy I thought of was when I received my keys. I was so excited that I had keys that opened everything. I was excited that I was given responsibility over a building and really that I could open any door! I have spend late nights there, had parties, stayed overnight to finish a paper, hidden in many rooms (for hide and go seek....not trying to be creepy), cleaned out many rooms. I know this seems so small but it brings me joy to know that I have been given that kind of responsibility.
I say all of this because it is easy to be so busy, and so overwhelmed with work and life that we never stop to think about the small things that bring us joy. These memories were from within my work, that I could sit back and reflect on those things that seem so small yet are so big.
I think this has biblical over tones as well. We can get deep in theology (which isn't bad as I do), deep in debate or discussion, or just busy with life, kids, marriage, work, stress but essentially for help, for joy, for peace we return to the basics: the gospel--love, grace, mercy and forgiveness.
What are some small joys you are thankful that God provided in the midst of your business?
Write them in the comments section or send me a message. I wouldn't mind knowing.
Be Blessed